The FIDx Five: A Generation at Risk

Retirement, Annuity, & Fintech Insights 

Experts warn that the lack of preparation among Americans approaching retirement could soon spell disaster. Check out this and four other stories that got our attention in this week’s “The FIDX Five.”

America's Retirement Readiness Gap
A new report, "Peak 65," highlights a growing concern among economists as millions of Americans approach retirement age without sufficient savings.

Source: PLANADVISER, “Peak 65 Finds Millions of Americans Unprepared, Economist Warns,” 1/10/24

Regulatory Rift
Industry voices argue that the Department of Labor's latest proposal risks pushing some financial producers into a conflict with SEC rules, raising concerns over compliance and consumer protection.

Source: Life Annuity Specialist, “DOL Proposal Could Force Some Producers to Violate SEC Regulations, Critics Say,” 1/08/24 

Innovation in Insurance
McKinsey's latest insights suggest a seismic shift in the life insurance and annuities sector, with a focus on modernizing distribution channels.

Source: McKinsey, “Redefining the future of life insurance and annuities distribution,” 1/08/24

Boomers' Paradise Found
Las Vegas emerges as the top retirement destination for baby boomers, according to a 2024 Bank of America report.

Source: Travel and Leisure, "This U.S. City Is the No. 1 Choice Among Baby Boomers for Retirement," 1/11/24

BlackRock's Billion-Dollar Bet
In a landmark acquisition, BlackRock secures its position in the infrastructure investment landscape by purchasing Global Infrastructure Partners.

Source: CNBC, “BlackRock buys infrastructure investor Global Infrastructure Partners for $12 billion,” 1/12/24

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