Insurance Exchange

We meet financial professionalwhere and how they do business.  

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Flexibility isn't a feature, it's a promise.

No matter what kind of business you run, Insurance Exchange can be integrated into your existing wealth management platform with elegance and simplicity. Across all types of financial professionals who serve all types of clients, a full suite of commission and commission-free products from leading carriers are available through our marketplace.  

A single point of  access

Single point of access eliminates multiple points of integrations with carriers, distribution firms, and other third-party providers.

Financial Professional - Icon
Financial Professional

Financial professional connects to platform of choice.

Platform of choice - Icon - 2023
Platform of choice

Financial professional connects to platform of choice.

Platform of Choice - The Solution 

One place to select annuities from the industrys best carriers

One platform to manage investment accounts and annuities together

One portfolio to show investment and protection solutions in the same place

One fee to offer clients aggregate billing across all accounts

Platforms of choice - Insurrance Carriers logo
Insurrance Carriers

Financial professional connects to platform of choice.

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The Platform

Step 1


Seamless integration with financial planning tools, compare annuity products with always up-to-date information.

Step 2


Smart filters only show which features, benefits and investment options are available based on the product, location and firm.

Step 3


SSO from FIDx into the AOE without the need for a seperate system. Application pre-populates up to 80% using proposal data.

Step 4


Its easy to do things like re-balance the contract, add subsequent premiums or make withdrawals* without leaving the platform, and suitability documents are available.

*Home office controls if advisors have ability to transact with drawals and subsequent premiums on platform.

Step 5


All current contract information is available across carriers. Annuity Insights are also available to help ensure contracts purchased today remain relevant for years to come.

Integrations with leading platforms 

Through Insurance Exchange, financial professionals can access cutting-edge planning tools like MoneyGuide and iRetire® from BlackRock®. It's also natively integrated into platforms like Envestnet | Tamarac. And if a financial professional isn’t licensed to sell annuities, they can use our Outsourced Insurance Desk capabilities.

View our partner integrations 

Annuity Insights - FIDx-low

"I have not gotten a NIGO since. It's very intuitive."

John Hess, Financial Professional, AVANTAX


Smarter. Faster. Better.

See how Insurance Exchange works seamlessly with your business.

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